This really isn't news, but someone else is saying it again. Sure, it's the WWF, they're sold out... but there's a cool map:

Creditor nations in red, debtor nations in green. In capitalist terms that is -- the WWF scheme would switch roles. Dare anyone say that the world is BEING EXPLOITED TO DEATH, and that the solution is to END CAPITALISM? Or are we waiting for the first big cardiac arrest to occur?
This really isn't news, but someone else is saying it again. Sure, it's the WWF, they're sold out... but there's a cool map:

Creditor nations in red, debtor nations in green. In capitalist terms that is -- the WWF scheme would switch roles. Dare anyone say that the world is BEING EXPLOITED TO DEATH, and that the solution is to END CAPITALISM? Or are we waiting for the first big cardiac arrest to occur?
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